Wednesday, 18 November 2015

How Can Micro Teaching Technique Be Beneficial

Life is not a bed of roses; and we usually confront as many problems in our daily life. Problem is not a problem itself however we convert it to a difficult one by dealing with trivial issues or sometimes ignoring the significant ones. Our attitude to such problems compels us to face more complicated issues in even small problems.

In our daily life, the busy schedule tends us to invite more problems and we get caught in situation by one way or another. If these problems are not attended properly; these tend to tease you on every step. They say if you are not a part of solution than you are a part of problem; however the significance lies in the solution of the problem, no matter what procedure one adopts to acquire the solution .In every day life, we are confronted with many problems. Some of them continue to persist if left unsolved.

Basically, I am a school teacher, teaching Mathematics at Primary level. Teachers and students are two important cogs of the machinery of education. Both of them are some how related to one another. Teachers teach the students and the students learn from the teachers. It is our common observation that when new session commence each year there is a stream of newly admitted students in the school. From primary to secondary, there is mixed queue of students having diversified level of intelligence.

I spent about four to five hours with the children, confronting with their problems with behavior and studies. In my experience, I learnt that most of the students rate Mathematics as a difficult subject. Many parents also complaint about their wards unable to comprehend some exercises in Mathematics. Not all the students are gifted with the same skills to understand and easy pick up of complicated problems. As a teacher, I am responsible to provide these students the easy way to understand these difficult exercises. To overcome, any problem, one must analyze the nature of the problem and decide further action plan to deal with it. Analyzing the nature of the problem is to reach the core of it so that the root cause may be prevented in the future. When the new session starts in August, we are provided with new students, having different intelligence level. Among them, some are sharp and some are dull. These students suffer the most because it is their hesitant nature that keeps them away from the teacher and they try to avoid asking specially the novice students, who are still unsettled in the class. Active and brilliant students are always participating in the class work however the problem lies with these dull students. What we teachers are expected, is to provide all our students with quality education, irrespective of their Intelligence level.

Effective teaching to any student is a difficult task; however we endeavor to perform it by keeping the following factors under observation and up to the mark.

Class room Management

As a teacher, I make sure that the classroom environment is safe, pleasant and cozy for the learners. There should be proper sufficient light and ventilation in the classroom, so that the students can adjust as quickly as possible. Such relaxation is a bonus for them. Sound classroom management helps a teacher in providing effective teaching and makes learning an effective one. As students can relax, they can feel orderly while they study and there are no confused noises around.

When students are managed, the real task begins for the teacher which is to provide effective teaching to each individual. To deal with this problem, I introduced Micro-teaching technique in my class. It is a shrunk version of real teaching where size of the class is cut down.

It is the duty of the teacher to provide equal participation opportunities to all students of the class whether they are sharp or dull.

Teachers should make sure that active students not overwhelm these dull students. Some of the weak students avoid eye to eye contact with the teacher and they some how hide behind the active students. Teachers should keep such students under observation .After all; it is they who should be held responsible at the end of the session.

Working with micro-teaching technique, I divided the class in to few small groups on temporary basis. Each group consists of four to five students. I teach and explain any exercise to a group. Then these students teach it to their group fellows. Similarly, when the new lesson starts, the group division in interchanged and the whole procedure is repeated. In this way, all students are allowed to participate, mingle and interact socially. In such technique, the teacher tends to know the skills of each of her student. The stronger and the weaker sides of each individual are revealed to her, which in turn aids the teacher to plan the lesson according to the requirement of the Intelligence level of students.

Each student comes in direct control with the teacher. This is one way to get a quick response by the Individuals. The whole technique is rewarding only when it is associated with sound classroom management. Any disturbance in class will distract the students' attention.

With help from Micro-Teaching Technique, I learnt how to deal with above mentioned problems and how to create a learning environment around myself which is handy for me in the long run .It established a credibility for me among the students as well as their parents. The class participation becomes more vibrant and actively involved specially in Mathematics period. The introduction of Micro -Teaching technique revealed fewer complaints from the students as well as their parents. I also avail the benefits from its implementation as the result of Mathematics in my class, improved a lot. Now I always work on these guidelines of Micro -Teaching Technique, it is quite helpful to me and my students.

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