Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Why Branding Is Essential for Recruitment Agencies

With more and more graduates joining the workforce, there exists a much-needed avenue where demand and supply for the right set of skills can connect. That's where recruitment agencies enter the picture. But like any other company, these agencies have to establish their own brand.

Think of your agency as a product. Every product has to have a brand that sells. A good brand will attract quality customers, repeat customers. A bad one, on the other hand, will attract the worse of the bunch. Or worse, it will not meet its target sales at all. A recruitment agency is similar to that. To be able to succeed in the industry, you need to have a good strategy in place. That is branding.

Still not convinced?

Here are 5 good reasons why branding is essential to your agency.

1. Focus. You're not just any recruitment agency. You are the recruitment agency for a specific industry and for a specific set of top level positions. You donĂ¢€™t need to heed the call of every client. Carefully identify in what niche you would want to belong. That way, you can concentrate in studying the needs of these clients. There is no greater bargaining power than your specialization.

2. Rich portfolio of candidates. You'll get to cultivate a set of potential candidates. A good brand will naturally attract good candidates. You get to screen them and maintain the good ones. You don't need to chase after them or fear that they'll fall for some other agency. If they believe in your brand, they would want to stay with you. They'll even compete to get your nod on their skills and talents. They'll be the ones to persuade you that they should be your top choice and not the other way around.

3. Repeat clients. You don't need to pitch your services to clients all the time. A good brand will make you sell without the need to advertise. As long as you live up to your brand and reputation in every deal then, you won't have any trouble getting repeat clients.

4. Established trust and confidence. Branding is one of the best ways to sell your agency. It influences the decisions of clients. They will choose you over the others. Even for first-time clients, they will choose you because you already have the reputation to deliver. They already trust you even before you give your word that you'll do your part on that deal. Do note that it takes time to build that trust and confidence. But good branding will get you a head start over your competitors.

5. More profits. All these will eventually lead to greater sales and thus, greater profits. Branding gives you an advantage over your competitors. You need not resort to price cuts just to seal the deal. Clients would want to get your service even at a higher price. Why? Because of your reputation. Because you already have their trust and confidence.

An article by Dougles Chan - The Recruitment Guru. A Business Coach that specialized on coaching recruitment agencies & Staffing Agencies. Author of 8 books. 25 years in business coaching in recruitment and staffing agencies. Training recruitment business owners in Singapore, USA, UK, and Australia. He specialized business, sales, marketing, digital marketing, 360 recruitment process, SEO, SEM, and social media recruiting. For 121 recruitment coaching, kindly check here.

Monday, 30 July 2018

Rules On How To Write Mouth-Watering Article

A good article can you earn you millions of readers and most of all it can earn you millions of cash.

There is a lot of crap circulating on the internet all in the name of content. At this time, when the information is accessible anyone can write just about anything and goes ahead to post it and of course it will be called an article. If you want to emerge as a good writer, you have to apply good content plus unique strategy.

For aspiring article writers, jotting down a good article is not a walk in the park, it requires more and more practice.  Becoming a good writer is not an overnight success, it will cost you a large expenditure of effort. Reading more and writing will perfect your skills.

Think about this;

You write an article, post it on the internet, people click on your article, they are glued to the compelling content, through the article you have managed to rapport with them and its actually like you are addressing them.

And right after they are done reading, the next thing they want to do is hit the call to action button.
Sounds amazing…right?, I know.

Well, for you to achieve this you have to master the rules of writing a mouthwatering article.
Without further ado, let’s dive in in what makes up a good article.

A Killer Opening line

This part will determine if the reader will go on reading the article or not. As a rule of the thumb the first line MUST grab the readers attention.

The purpose of the first sentence is to entice the reader and to make them more curious, in that way they want to read the second and the third and so on to find out what the article has in store for them.

Keep The Paragraph Short
Why do you think articles on the newspapers are short?
Well, you guessed it right…

If you want to encourage your readers to go on, you have to keep it short, simple,  and precise.

Truth of the matter is that most internet users are searching for results, they have a problem and they are simply  looking for a quick answer to their problem. In that case vast majority of people on the internet scan the information rather than reading it. If your article has long paragraphs…high chances are that people will pass it by and search for a shorter article with short paragraphs.

The mind remembers only the vital facts. Believe me the reader is not interested in your fluffy words. At least I know if I land on a dense of paragraph I suddenly loose interest, its pretty boring.
Short paragraphs are tantalizing and enticing, they keep the reader glued curious about the next paragraph. Break your paragraphs, make them short and straight to the point.

Address Your Readers Needs
You have not had it all until you landed on a meaningless article, you feel wasted for wasting your time reading nonsense.

There are a lot of content on the internet with nothing but fluff.
That person that is clicking on your article is after one thing, how are you going to solve their problem.

Imagine it like, they’ve asked you a question and you are trying to answer them back.
Do not write content for the sake of writing content, write content that has a meaning and will add value to someone’s life.

Build Rapport With The Reader
Remember, you are writing for humans not for robots.
Use a simple words, avoid using strong vocabularies. Use a language that builds connection between you and the reader.
You might have tons of advice for your audience, great ideas but if don’t know how to EMOTIONALLY connect with them, I’m sorry to say you are simply wasting your precious time.

When you are writing down an article include the things that stimulate human's emotions.
- Speak as though you are speaking to them: You might be speaking to thousands or even millions of people but make it look like you are talking to one person.
Focus on using you, yours, and you’re in this way the reader will feel like you are addressing them and not a multitude of people. This will help in connecting with the reader.

- Adding an image: A photo says a thousand words. Adding a photo to your article can make it appealing to the eyes, this is one of the best strategy to use when jotting down an article.
A photo creates emotional responses in human. Ensure you use a quality photo and relevant to the subject you are talking about.

- Tell a story: What happens when someone tells you a mind blowing story? You emotionally respond…right?
This is one way of bringing the article in real life with human interest, it will capture their attention.
Stories are a perfect way of driving to the point, just keep it short and simple.

Avoid writing bland content, I can bet you no one will read it.
And as I said above PRACTICE is the mother of all.

Happy writing folks.

An article by Dougles Chan- Recruitment Business Coach - a marketing guru specialised in aws certified partner,amazon consulting partner and AWS consulting partner.